It seems like everything we do now involves a computer, a cell phone, or some other piece of modern day technology.... including journaling.
This morning I woke up and read my brother-in-laws blogspot post, and decided that it was time to start my own (thanks Rob!). My husband and I are about to make some big changes in our lives, and what better way to stay connected, than through the internet.
I have decided to start my blog with my "25 Things" thanks to Facebook...
1. I miss home and I am absolutely terrified of moving to a different state... we will be moving this summer for my husband to go to grad school.
2. I am truly ready to have a baby, but am being patient for the day when we can actually afford one.
3. I have been married for a year and a half and have enjoyed every single minute of it.
4. I am a liberal democrat and proud of it!
5. I love to read and I make time for it every single day.
6. I should be medicated for anxiety.
7. I love to cook but I do not have the space for it.
8. One time I made high altitude cookies even though I only live on the 3rd floor of a building.
9. I am graduating college in 82 days, and have no idea what is happening to me after that!
10. The best Christmas gift I ever got was a brown leather bomber jacket when I lived with my parents on Milford Ave.
11. Sometimes I still cry because I miss my mom... lol. I know, pathetic.
12. I have a dog named Cooper, and Luke and I treat him like a child.
13. I love to pack my lunch... I think I get that from my Papa.
14. Sometimes I like to dance around the living room, and especially do the robot, just to make my husband laugh.
15. I wish I was skinny again... I am actually starting Weight Watchers TODAY!
16. Luke and I have named all of our children, and we are still like 3 years away from even trying to have a baby.
17. I am absolutely addicted to Gilmore Girls, Will and Grace, and Friends.
18. I am student teaching, and working with kids who are going to a special school as an alternative to jail.
19. I can't wait for my husband to be a silver fox. I totally have a thing for older men. Weird? I thought so too.
20. My little brother is my best friend... who would have thought?
21. My favorite meal is Sunday lunch and I cry on Sundays when Im not in Marysville.
22. I don't have cable or internet, and Luke and I are still striving for the "simple" life.
23. I need to put child safety locks on my cupboards because my cat has figure out how to open them and break things.
24. I am proud to call Barack Obama my president and hope he changes things before I bring children into this world.
25. I love my family.
There is a lot to learn about me, and I still have a lot to learn about myself, so here we go!
Yay, Kelsay! Welcome to "blogging world!" I'm so excited to be your first comment although I see Rob beat me in your "followers!" LOL! Looking forward to keeping up with your journeys. Peace, Sue
ReplyDeleteWhoops -- ok, so that first comment was me (yep, me) but I accidentally put in a different email so it looks like a different "me".... ;-))